Monthly Archives: March 2015

Volunteer Opportunities

Recently, several of my students have asked about volunteering in Vancouver. I’ve covered it here before, but one of my favourite causes has created an easy webpage to sign up with. Go to this link to find out about the Burnaby Velodrome Club and how to get involved!Their races usually need volunteers to help with setting up, beer sales, ticket sales, and athlete assistance. Letters of reference will be provided if you want them.

I have also heard a rumour that there will be an event featuring sword fighting that will need volunteers. Watch my website for details – I’ll post them as I find out what’s going on.

Resumé Top Tip

Have you ever received an attachment that just doesn’t open? Or maybe it opens, but it looks horrible? Avoid this by sending files in PDF format whenever you can. They look the same on every computer.

This doesn’t just apply to resumés, though. You could also send invoices, receipts, cover letters, memos, or other business mail in PDF format.